Health center guidance for the winter break
Posted: November 25, 2020
As we venture home after the completion of the fall semester, we want to provide you with some guidance for what to do should you run into illness while away from us.
- Are you experiencing a sudden, unexplained onset of symptoms?
- Monitor your symptoms. If they worsen, contact your local primary care provider/hospital/urgent care.
- For a list of common symptoms associated with COVID-19, please visit
- For comfort, we recommend warm salt-water gargles, and Tylenol or Motrin (if not allergic) to help with the discomfort.
- Distance yourself from others until your symptoms resolve, are fever free for 24 hours without a fever reducer, or until cleared by your primary care provider.
- Have you been exposed to anyone who is known or suspected to have COVID-19?
- Reach out to your local health department for specific quarantine guidelines. If the case is not confirmed, distance yourself from others in the event that they are positive, which would require you to be quarantined.
- For general guidance, go to
- Please email if contacted by your local health department as a close contact with specific details about your quarantine.
- Have you tested positive for COVID-19?
- You will be contacted by your place of testing and/or your local health department.
- For guidance on isolation, please visit
- Monitor your symptoms. If they worsen, contact your local primary care provider/hospital/urgent care. For comfort, we recommend warm salt-water gargles, and Tylenol or Motrin to help with the discomfort.
- Please email if you test positive and share specific details about your isolation.
- Have you traveled via airline or been in a state identified as requiring a quarantine by the Pennsylvania Department of Health?
- An up-to-date list can be located at This list changes frequently, if you are considered a red state by PA or have traveled by air, please fill out the LiveSafe app prior to your arrival back to campus, and please email to schedule your test.
Please begin to fill out the LiveSafe app 14 days prior to your return to campus so we can assist you in making a safe return for the spring semester, which begins Jan. 25, 2021.
We know how diligent you all have been in keeping our community safe. Please continue to share and practice the 4 W’s while enjoying the time with those you cherish.
Wishing you a Safe, and Joyous Holiday Season,
Gannon University Health and Counseling
(814) 871-7622