LiveSafe Wellness Checks Resume Monday, Jan. 11

Posted: January 8, 2021

The countdown is on. We are just over two weeks away from the first day of classes for the spring semester. We would like to remind you that all students and employees should resume completing their daily LiveSafe Wellness Checks beginning Monday, Jan. 11. 

Why do you need to fill out LiveSafe before coming to campus? Similar to our onboarding in August, by completing the LiveSafe questionnaire each day prior to your arrival you will help reduce the risk of returning to campus with symptoms, which would help mitigate the possible spread of the virus. Filling out the LiveSafe questionnaire will also allow our team to help you.

Complete your daily LiveSafe Wellness Check beginning Monday, Jan. 11 and review the LiveSafe reminders below for a healthy start to the spring semester.


Select the blue box on your LiveSafe app, titled “Daily Coronavirus Affirmation Survey” to access and complete the daily Wellness Check. The results of this survey will indicate whether it is safe to return to or attend campus activities.

You will receive either a green check or red X indicating whether you have passed or failed the Wellness Check. Your results will also be sent to the email entered when completing the survey. Students will be required to show their green check upon returning to campus for check-in and at the start of each class.

If you receive a red X, you will be contacted by the Gannon Health Center to review your symptoms. The Health Center can determine if a COVID-19 test is needed or recommend that the individual contact their physician. The Health Center can also clear the individual to resume their campus activities should their symptoms not warrant a test or support a need for them to remain off-campus. 

All information gathered is HIPAA compliant.

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